We have finally succeeded to re-start one of the most demanded expeditions of our days. Our Expedition to the “Pico da Neblina” offers outstanding experiences in the very deep of the Amazon Rain-and Nebular Forest. If you like the real trekking adventure you should not miss out on the “Pico”.

The „Pico da Neblina” is located in the Imeri Massif, the deepest Amazonian Rainforest of Brazil, bordering with Columbia and Venezuela (0.8047° N. 66.0067° W) It is a nebular mountain and part of the Guyana shield, dating back to the Precambrian era. It is also the highest elevation in Brazil (2994m).

The hike to the top of the “Pico” is considered by experienced and hardened mountaineers one of the toughest anywhere. But hardship is forgotten when marveling at the diversity of the great variety in plant and animal live, starting with endemic species of carnivorous plants and flowers at altitudes of 2000m, such as Heliamphora neblinae that are endemic here, Drosera montana and epiphytes, or the up to 5m high spectacular Ericaceae, while in the lower areas you can find Ceiba pentandra Kapok trees which grow up to 70m high. The region is also home to animals like Jaguar and Tapir, reptiles, amphibious like Poison dart frog, and the new to Science Myersohyla chameleon, tarantulas, among many others.

Your host are the famous yanomami indigenous people who will guide you to experience one of the great adventures of our time: the expedition to the “Pico da Neblina”. With this expedition we support the “Yaripo” project for sustainable tourism of the Yanomami organizations AYRCA and FOIRN.

  • How to get there by air from Manaus (MAO) to São Gabriel da Cachoeira (SJL)
  • Best time to travel From December though February and from August through December
Get more details from Peter Rohmer
Please ask for the up-dated itinerary: Peter Rohmer prp@amazon-travel-brazil.com

Hi Peter,

The BR307 should be paved with asphalt, the Voadeiras should be equipped with a quiet electric motor, upholstered seats with backrests, the camps should be converted into huts with aircon and feather beds, and a cable car should be installed for the last 900 meters in altitude.....

All joking aside, there was nothing to improve for me. To experience how you can get along in the wilderness using the simplest means, how you can do it without a smartphone and this feeling of being at the mercy of nature was exactly what I was looking for. No Chinese...I thought that didn't exist anymore.

So 5 stars from me and thanks again.

Best regards

Stefan Rückert, Sept 2019

Peak 172 highest peak countries – Pico da Neblina, Brazil
Amazon jungle hikes and adventures on the border of civilisation

In the jungle; the heat I am accustom to now, the rain is no more than bothersome, the insect bites tolerable and the jungle terrain I now find rather easy. As I am now over 50 years old my fitness and strength levels I estimate have dropped by up 50% and yet my efficiency in operating in miserable and difficult places seems to have gained by the same percentage so somewhat makes up the difference. We walk for 7 hours today and three boiled sweets and a litre of flavoured water is more than enough. A happy day here is dry socks in the morning and I constantly remind myself it could be worse. By the end of the expedition trekking in the jungle is not misery at all, it’s rather quite beautiful and hard routine becomes a normal day.

São Gabriel da Cachoeira is situated at the country's far north border in one of the most remote parts of the Amazon jungle. It's been closed by the Army for over a decade and our expedition of three persons is the first to return. Three flights see us arrive in the small border town of Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira with a population made up mostly of the 23 native tribes.

If you want it remote try looking this place up on a map. We were forced to do the last hour of the canoe journey in total darkness. Having taken time negotiating rock outcrops and submerged trees in the daylight we were now given to luck. It's one of my most dangerous experiences yet. We nearly tipped two times and if you managed to swim ashore to a bank which was possible to climb out it would be a grim night until hopefully someone came to pick you up. It could be worse of course, there might be piranhas in the river. Oh, there are!

Branco our main guide and part Yanomami we had met in Sao Gabriel. A bit of a middle man he is a likeable character who knows everyone and can arrange anything it seems. In Maturaca we met our four porters. Augustino the head porter and Emeraldo, Paulo and Rivaldo. We also had to take a military escort, Paulo who was a Sergeant in jungle training. All the Yanomami I was soon to learn are small in stature, strong in body and kind in heart. I enjoyed my time with them immensely.

The art of misery is to me travelling as comfortable as you can in uncomfortable places and having the mind-set that of course 'things could be worse'. Our final camp we named Camp Miserable as it was already pretty grim when we arrived. At 10 pm the inevitable daily torrential downpour came and now indeed 'it did get worse'. Our camp was flooded by over 18 inches and on the one dry high spot under canopy where we all could stand we thought it rather OK. Until it got worse again as the snakes sort the high ground as well. The porters quickly despatched any that came to close by machete so all was not too bad.

A happy day now is not having to check one’s boots for tarantula every time you put them on.

Ginge Fullen, Sept 2019

Private Tour Dates 2025
Expedition to Pico da Neblina January 10th - January 26th
Expedition to Pico da Neblina February 7th - February 23rd
Expedition to Pico da Neblina August 11th - August 27th
Expedition to Pico da Neblina September 19th - October 5th
Expedition to Pico da Neblina October 24th - November 9th
Expedition to Pico da Neblina November 10th - November 26th
Expedition to Pico da Neblina December 1st - December 17th
Group of Price (PP)
01 US$ 11,150 p. person
02 US$ 8,000 p. person
03 US$ 7,250 p. person
04 US$ 6,800 p. person
05 US$ 6,150 p. person
06 US$ 6,150 p. person

Our prices are all-in, starting with transfers and overnights in-out-bound Manaus, flight Manaus-São Gabriel da Cachoeira-Manaus, overnight, full board and excursions in São Gabriel da Cachoeira prior or after the expedition and all expenses outlined in the itinerary of the expedition. Extra charges only for extra porter and additional arrangements.